Jesper Rasmussen

Debut at run #874
  • Latest run
  • Number of runs 14
  • Number of hare 0

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ID= 434


14 #904 Snoghøj To broer Dry
13 #901 Christiansfeld Dry
12 #899 Middelfart havn Dry
11 #897 TBA Dry
10 #895 Parkeringspladsen ved Vingstedcentret Dry - freezing dry
9 #894 løbet starter på Gammelehavn iført sjov hat m.m. Starts at 10 o'clock Laura og Matiras new commer (mangler en) Dry
8 #891 Skovkrogen 44 7000 Fredericia Spouse and Snappy home comming run Dry
7 #890 Vork X-Hash 2008 Hangove Run Dry
6 #889 Vork X-Hash 2008 Cut Tree Run - without the tree Dry
5 #888 Downtown Kolding X-Hash 2008 Pub Crawl Wet
4 #887 Idavej 1, 5800 Nyborg Snow
3 #883 Fredericia, Axeltorv Dry
2 #881 Hegningsvej 75 Odense S. Dry then Wet
1 #874 Odensevej 129 The wedding run #3 Dry (yes without Witch Doktor) but rain before and aftter The run...