Father Abraham had seven sons.
And seven sons had Father Abraham.
And he never laughed,
And he never cried,
All he did was go like this.
With a left. (Hold left arm out, moving hand
to vertical and back again, while singing.)
With a left, (Start moving left arm again.)
And a right. (Start moving right arm in same way as the left)
With a left, And a right,
And a left (Start moving left leg back an forth
to side along with the arms.)
With a left, And a right, And a left,
And a right, (Now you are doing jumping jacks)
(Repeat the limb positions, then:)
And a Hooh! (Thrust out your butt, do chorus with the jumping jacks, shouting "Hooh!" and doing the butt thrust after "Father Abraham and at the end of each line except the last.)
(Repeat the previous positions, then:)
And a Hah! (Thrust your pelvis forward and ending the chorus like this:)
Father Abraham (Hooh! Hah!) had seven sons (Hooh! Hah!)
And seven sons had Father Abraham (Hooh! Hah!)
And he never laughed (Hooh! Hah!)
And he never cried (Hooh! Hah!)
All he did was go like this- (Thrust out your
butt, grab your ankles, and make a loud farting noise.)